Khan Khokhi Khyargas Mountain National Park

The Ministry of Nature and Environment for Mongolia actually divides this protected area into two separate national parks- Khankhukii NP (the mountain portion) and Khyargas NP (the lake area). The Khankhukii national park was created for the protection of mountain forest ecosystems interspersed with mountain steppe. Its ecological integrity has been compromised by excessive and destructive pine nut harvesting along its northern boundary. Both national parks are faced with environmental threats due to ranger staffing deficiencies in both number and level of education. The WWF Mongolia and the Ministry proposed intervention measures for the region in a 2007 report. (Capacity and financial need assessment of Protected Areas located in the Altai Sayan ecoregion of Mongolia). In addition to providing updated, non-ambiguous geographic name information to the WDPA with preferred monglian-english transliteration(s), our team will visit both parks and interview as many rangers as possible to make an informal assessment of what progress has been achieved over the last four years.

Images of this area from the web

Photo by La.Katerina
Photo by Boldgiv

Photo by Darhaa