
The expedition follows a westward path through northern Mongolia parallel to the Russian border with the exception of the 170 km southwesterly leg into the town of Olgii and the final 600 km northwest into the Altai Republic in Siberia. The town of Biysk has been chosen as the final destination because it serves as the first access point to the Russian railway system for the return journey. There is no other reliable means of transportation from the Altai Mountain region to Ulaanbaatar. Flying back to the capital from western Mongolia is not only cost prohibitive for the venture but carries other liabilites such as reliability of service and baggage / cargo limitations. Russian speaking member(s) of the team will arrange train travel for the group.

Select stops and expedition goals facilitated by the route include:

Khanjargalant Uul Protected Area
Selenge River Valley
Degree confluence at 50°N, 101°E
Khövsgöl Lake National Park
Khan Khokhi Khyargas Mountain National Park
Uvs Nuur Basin World Heritage Site
Develyn Aral Nature Reserve
Shavlinskiy Zakaznik National Park (Altai Mountain region of Siberia)