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One Year On The Road

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Québec City and a cat named Joselito (or A Tale of Two Showers) June 17, 2015

Rubbing skulls with Joselito

Rubbing skulls with Joselito

What a stroke of luck- our second crash pad in Québec ended up being about 100 meters from Maude’s apartment. We were able to get settled quickly with Noemie and Marc and our new friends took us on a quick walking tour so we could get our bearings and do a little exploring of our own.

Weather was crappy so I've included this photo of the boardwalk from a previous trip to Québec

Weather was crappy so I’ve included this photo of the boardwalk from a previous trip to Québec

Still a little fatigued from the road and adverse weather, Tanya and I were content with a stroll around the cobblestone streets and fortifications of Old Québec with a timely return to the flat for another eating session.

A word about our hosts

Marc and Noemie had recently returned from an epic year-and-a-half long bicycle journey through the Americas. Naturally we were intrigued to hear all about their adventure and also about the challenges of returning to “normal” life. Unfortunately for us, our hosts had a previous engagement to attend that evening so our visit was cut short.

Marc and Noemie at Salar de Uyuni

Marc and Noemie at Salar de Uyuni

It is not my intention to sound ungrateful for the time we were given with our new friends, but Tanya and I were a little sad about not having more time to enjoy the social dynamic we shared as a group as well as individually with our hosts. The invitation to stay was extended but the combination of impending weather and work schedules made it impractical to accept this generosity; we still had the ride to Montréal in the rain ahead of us, a bike to break down and pack, and a plane for Tanya to catch back to Austin. I will be sure to reserve more time and resources for my return to “La Vieille Capitale.”

Tanya with cellophane-wrapped Noemie

Tanya with cellophane-wrapped Noemie

Marc et moi

Marc et moi

Categories: Travel Diary

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