Here's what you will need:

  • A positive mental attitude and the ability to excel as part of a team with a common set of goals
  • An eagerness to absorb a fascinating cultural and natural experience
  • A touring bike with 26" wheels, racks, and panniers.
  • About $2700 (USD) to cover air travel and expenses

Here's what you will not need:

  • Tendency to whine
  • Unreasonable fear of bears, wolves, snakes and such
  • Iron Man constitution. The slower pace of this venture is largely dictated by the primitive cycling terrain and research priorities. You just need to be in reasonable shape. Mental toughness, the ability to endure discomfort, and plain old stubborness will prove greater assets than physical conditioning.

Any one of these attributes make you a more valuable asset to the team:

  • Strong written documentation/journaling skills
  • Ability to prepare a good, nutritious meal using limited resources
  • Field medical training
  • Basic proficiency in any language other than English
  • Field knowledge in any discipline- biology, geology, ecology, et al
  • An understanding of the practical application of meteorological principles
  • Being related to someone with lots of money

Contact team leader Robear for further inquiries